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Celebrate Recovery Dinner

Monthly Celebrate Recovery Dinner. We will have a time of worship, milestone celebrations, and testimonies! Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to come and let Jesus heal us from our HURTS, HABITS AND HANGUPS. Please register online.

Moms Prayer Group Meeting

We want to have a weekly, one-hour prayer meeting where moms can come and pray for their children and their schools.

Night of Prayer

As a church, one of our core values is connecting with God through prayer. As a family of believers, we gather together to lift up needs in the church and around the world, believing God is going to move in powerful ways.

Book Club Discussion

Your Battle against Porn Isn’t about Porn. It’s about Hope. Join Pastor Andy for a time of discussion and prayer as we read The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund.

Sunday Prayer

At Cornerstone, we believe that prayer is crucial to the life of the believer. Join us every week on Sundays in the Next Steps Center from 8:30-8:55 am for a time of prayer. All are welcome to come!

Explore the Bible: John

Explore the Bible is a weekly class for those that want to go deeper into God’s Word by studying the Scriptures one book at a time. It is designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture.

Explore the Bible: John

Explore the Bible is a weekly class for those that want to go deeper into God’s Word by studying the Scriptures one book at a time and is designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture.

Moms Prayer Group Meeting

We want to have a weekly, one-hour prayer meeting where moms can come and pray for their children and their schools.

Carnival Night

Instead of going to the Carnival we have decided to bring the Carnival to you! There will be free pizza, cotton candy and popcorn. Invite a friend and come ready to have some fun!

Serve Day with Project T.O.U.C.H.

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in our community and help our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness? Join us and our partner nonprofit, Project TOUCH, for a service day that will leave a lasting impact on those in need.

Sunday Prayer

At Cornerstone, we believe that prayer is crucial to the life of the believer. Join us every week on Sundays in the Next Steps Center from 8:30-8:55 am for a time of prayer. All are welcome to come!

New Here Gathering

We believe God is doing something special at Cornerstone, and we want you to be a part of it. Join us for a gathering where you’ll get to meet some members of our team and learn more about getting connected.

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